Do you often wonder why your customers love you? Have you asked? 3 questions to know how you stand out in their minds and in their hearts. Ask:

1. Why do you love working with us?

2. What to you not love about working with us?

3. What can we do so you love us even more?

In an article for Forbes Magazine, entrepreneur Eric T. Wagner says that the top three reasons that eight out of ten businesses fail are:

1) They’re not really in touch with their customers through deep dialogue. 

2) They have no real differentiation in the market. 

3) They don’t clearly communicate their true value proposition. 

Deep dialogue, he explains, is imperative for a business—it means having regular conversations, like any successful relationship, with them to understand their point of view—their pains, behaviors, dreams and values. And what better way to understand what your customers want than by asking them. 

It’s harder today with social distancing but find a way to talk with them as if you were sitting with them, in person, instead of sending an email. Be genuine express your true interest in what they have to say.

Then listen… listen openly to what they have to say instead of missing their words while mentally preparing a response. Giving your full attention will make a lasting impression and give you new insights into what your customers truly think and feel about your business. And always take what your customer tells you seriously. Let them know how valuable their opinion is by finding ways to act on their feedback and make improvements in your product, service, delivery system, or other area of your operations of which you were unaware. And your ability to serve them better in the future will be enhanced. 

Say thank you. Show your customers you appreciate their time and their opinion by offering your thanks at the end of your conversation. Show gratitude for each person who uses your product or service; express kindness and compassion for their opinion and their business and you’ll attract more of the same. As they say, love can be contagious.

If you’re a business owner or senior manager, don’t rely on your customer service department to do all the talking; this old school and pick up the phone and have a conversation with a customer yourself. It will help you stay in touch with the reality of your company and what keeps it in business. 

Follow up and follow through. In your conversations with customers, if you say you’ll look into something that you talk about, find an answer to a question the customer asks, or that you’ll do something about what caused them to have a negative experience, do it. 

There is always more to love. Start asking your customers today.

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Written by Winnie Hart

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